In the beginning we see God’s original design, His intent to do life with us and enjoy a relationship with us. In the beginning God did not will for us to have disease, disorder, dysfunction and death, but as humanity stepped outside the bounds that protected us, God immediately ushered in a plan to reconcile us back to Him. His plan, though it included death so we would not permanently live with these things, also freed us from death so we could have life eternally as purposed for us. In a few short verses we see man get kicked out of the Garden, and the rest of the Bible shows man’s quest to get back in. This quest ultimately is victorious because of faith in one man, the promised Messiah, Jesus, who gave his life to restore us back to original purpose.
GENESIS PROVIDES US the narratives of the families that led to the birth of Jesus. Both good and bad, these legacies provide lessons from which every family can learn. Exodus shows us the way from despair, bondage, and wandering to deliverance. Leviticus reminds us that God’s ways are not a yoke but a path to keep us free and pure, so He might dwell more fully with us. The law reminds us of our need for love and need for Jesus when we fall short of the mark God had set for our lives. The book of Numbers outlines principles of preparation, what rebellion leads to and the need to reorganize and orient our life by faith and the courage that results. Finally, Deuteronomy reviews the history and the choices that ultimately lead to blessing or curse. It is ultimately up to us to choose faith or self-will, and these five books are consistent in revealing the truth that leads to life and the tiniest deceptions that lead to destruction.