Lenten Study


Jesus: Who is He? – The Message of Mark MARK WROTE HIS GOSPEL (Good News) to a Roman audience steeped in the religion of ancient Rome and a self-reliance on Roman power to accomplish world domination. He introduces his story of the Jewish rabbi cautiously, almost mysteriously, by drawing his readers into the drama that […]

New Testament Survey

[NT 101]


But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that […]

The Story of Christ

[NT 201]


FIVE MAJOR EVENTS are revealed across the synoptic Gospels: the birth of Christ, the ministry of Christ, the passion of Christ, the risen Christ, and the second coming of Christ. Luke, a doctor and companion of Paul, writes his own account. He pays special attention to the humanity of Jesus and the fact that Jesus […]

Christ and the Church

[NT 202]


FIVE MAJOR EVENTS are revealed across the synoptic Gospels: the birth of Christ, the ministry of Christ, the passion of Christ, the risen Christ, and the second coming of Christ. Luke, a doctor and companion of Paul, writes his own account. He pays special attention to the humanity of Jesus and the fact that Jesus […]

Understanding Christian Faith

[NT 203]


IN THIS STUDY we’re moving away from the stories of things happening and how they happen, all of which are great and exciting things, into a different kind of excitement! The excitement of theology, or knowing about God. This part of the New Testament is now a commentary on what the apostles have done to […]

Real Faith for Real Problems

[NT 204]


THIS STUDY goes deep into the text found in the second half of Paul’s epistles. These letters cover real struggles and what Paul has to say about them. More importantly, these letters cover what the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write. The struggles mentioned are not things only seen in biblical times; they are still […]

The Last Word

[NT 205]


THIS STUDY deals with the last nine books of the Bible, and wraps up the twelve-part series unpacking the entire Bible. When people hear “The Last Word” anticipation for the mysteries of Revelation rises, but there is so much great stuff before we even get to the book of Revelation! Starting with Hebrews, this course […]

Old Testament Survey

[OT 101]


It’s time to acquaint yourself with the whole of the Old Testament. In just 39 short books you will become familiar with the heart of God, his people and his plan from the beginning. Examine the themes, ideas and concerns present in the text and see for yourself that our God is consistent in his love, mercy, and actions.

Back to the Beginning

[OT 201]


In the beginning we see God’s original design, His intent to do life with us and enjoy a relationship with us. In the beginning God did not will for us to have disease, disorder, dysfunction and death, but as humanity stepped outside the bounds that protected us, God immediately ushered in a plan to reconcile […]

The Story of Israel

[OT 202]


IT WAS ONCE SAID that the best introduction to the New Testament ever written was the Old Testament. To take this a bit further, we believe studying the historical books of the Old Testament gives you a clue to understanding the entire Old Testament. So, if the Old Testament has always been a puzzle or […]

The Quest For Meaning

[OT 203]


THERE ARE TWO KINDS of wisdom in this world: God’s wisdom and the world’s wisdom, and they can be very different. Our hope is to help you grow in God’s wisdom through this study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. Perhaps you think all the books of the Bible are books […]

They Foretold the Future

[OT 204]


THE BOOKS OF THE PROPHETS contain some of the harshest literature that has ever been written and some of the most sublime words that have ever been uttered. The prophets speak to four major time periods: their own day, the captivity that is coming to the people, the coming Messiah, and the great Messianic Kingdom […]

Majoring on the Minors

[OT 205]


PERHAPS THE MOST DIFFICULT BOOKS to understand are the prophets because most readers are not clued into what is going on. This final course on the Old Testament paints the background of which the twelve minor prophets were a part. To properly understand the prophets, it is imperative to understand the life setting in which […]